Your mindset determines the journey of your life...
In other words, your mind is set to function according to the thoughts and ideas that you program into it...
I wonder what kind of mindset did the shooter have, a 24 year-old who today murdered scores of children and a few adults at a school in Connecticut, motivation in causing the nightmare that ensued...
Clearly his mind was not in the right place...
Analysts will have a field day studying the day's events...
As Christians, we understand that we are free in Christ, liberated and anointed by the Holy Spirit, favored by God...
But we are not out of the woods...
The forces of the Evil One constantly lurk around and seek the weak in mind, the unprepared...the uninformed...
Once Satan has found someone like that, he will then nurture that person with the potential to destroy others through thought, word, and deed...
Today, in Connecticut, the destruction was far more sinister and caused mass murder...
And all because of a weak mindset in a single person!
With heartfelt sincerity, I pray that the Lord give the victims' families comfort and steadfastness in this dark hour...
The victims were undeserving of this tragedy...
Yet the forces of Evil, Satan, are feverishly trying to cut us off from God, and will employ all kinds of tactics to achieve his end...
(See how Satan does it, secretly and undetected...)
Unless you discover the clandestine weapons Satan uses to keep you away from God, you will always be a victim...
Anointing will not come...
Blessings will be lacking...
Favor will not come...
Any prosperity will be inadequate...
Normal human convention cannot work on its own unscathed...
There is always a variable of the mysterious that lurks within humanity...the spiritual...
Unless you sincerely realize that there is a spiritual dimension that is entwined with the physical, you will find that any increase in one's fortunes are ridden with complications and inadequacies that will always keep you unbalanced, always lacking...
This lack brings about the void I discussed in a previous post...
This is the kind of thing that Satan looks for: to punch open voids within our hearts, and fill them with a mindset of sorrow, all kinds of negative emotions, thinking that leads to outward destruction in thought, word, and deed...
(from GM Evagrius)
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