Monday, December 31, 2012

As the year winds down and a new one arrives, you can be assured that Satan will also plan some new strategies to disconnect us from God...

To him, it's no big deal...

His theatre of operations (earth) will continue to exhibit the results of his past campaigns...

(read about his secret weapons that are used against you...a free yet essential read...)

The spiritual voids that he has developed in the past are bringing forth new voids, new spiritual chasms that regrettably are collecting more souls, cutting them off from the Father...

Sad part is: that Satan need not do much any more...humanity itself is separating itself from God and His intended promises to us...

Like a domino-effect, he started the process (a long time ago) which has been snowballing ever since...

Like Something Out of Hollywood

The plotting and planning that has taken place over the course of centuries continues to bring about a good harvest for Satan...

He has found fertile ground in our mindsets from which disconnection occurs...

The stage has already been set, and the storyline proofread and finalized...

Satan's theme: for humanity to be totally cut-off from God, and to live a life of emptiness and meaninglessness...

And without Jesus as the mentor who showed us the way to re-connection to God...

Future Generations Enslaved in Satan's Nothingness

God intended for us to be in-contact with Him through spiritual communications that will also provide the essential elements to a happy and joyous life...through a spiritual mindset that also rules in the natural.

Yet Satan has another agenda: to defeat God's plan by showing how weak and useless we really are, and that we don't deserve God's love...

By nurturing within all of us the seeds of disconnection, Satan is striving to subjugate the world under himself, where no blessings exist, no help from God can be accessed, no consideration of favor in our lives...

Ultimately, Satan would want to see every human being utterly out-of-sync from God, so that we become the living dead live a life without meaning, without expectation, without increase...

He even makes certain parts of the world to fear God rather than love Him...

Satan Will Dispense His Own Blessings

Immorality, unnatural death, degraded mannerisms, senselessness...these will be the blessings that Satan will dispense on this unsuspecting world...

The only rule will be law through fear and violence...a ruthless existence...

He might even try dispensing goodness if it suits him...if it keeps humanity from connecting to God that is!

To a dark spirit as Satan, all the human resources are useful to fulfill his goal of total disconnection from God...

The good, the bad...

The beautiful, the ugly...

The truth, the lie...

The honest, the dishonest...

Everything is open to Satan to use against us all in order to cease our spiritual contact with God...

So What Can We Say About 2013?

Let us remember why God has provided us with all the resources and faculties we have as human beings:

To reach out and stay in-contact with Him...

To spiritually seek contact with a grateful and heartfelt spirit...

To remain in-contact with Him with childlike expectation of supernatural blessings and joyful increase in our lives...

To receive that peaceful goodness and satisfaction that seeps out from our spirits first, and then into our natural-physical existence...

And to have us all see Satan Exposed, and his plans vividly seen by all...and to be avoided!

Happy New Year To All In God Thru Christ...

GM Evagrius