Friday, November 9, 2012

Last post, it was mentioned that Satan's ultimate plan is to separate you from God, cut-off any communications link connecting you to Him...

And yes, he is going to use your life-journey to make it happen...

So many circumstances, both random and intentional ones too...all of them qualify to disrupt your harmony with God.

It's actually mind-boggling when you get to think about it; it doesn't matter if you are rich or poor, good or bad...the Dark Prince (I like calling Satan that way too) plants triggers all over the place that can spark a chain-reaction of events that can distort and disrupt your contact with God...

And he does not discriminate...Satan will set his spiritual land-mines for everyone to step on...male-female, adults-children, young-old.

He wants it all, just like some evil genius bent on taking over the world...only that this genius is no fiction: Satan really wants to reign over this planet...and he has some secret weapons that he's been using against humanity since the beginning of time...

(Find out Satan's REAL weapons against you...)

His theatre of operations are your circumstances, from the most miniscule and seemingly unimportant, to the more meaty, serious circumstances...

He'll use everything available to him to cut you off from God...sometimes starting when you were just a child...


"maybe you were one of those kids who were picked on (ok maybe you weren't, but what if you were?)...

What if you were bullied, threatened, even beaten, made fun of?

Wouldn't that cause you to resent, to hate...maybe fall into a spiral of fear and lack of confidence that would lead to low self-esteem?

Maybe you were the one bullying the did not consider the feelings of the others, made fun of them in order to project a tough image.

As a kid, maybe you were subjected to ridicule for the clothes you wore, the way you wore your hair..."

Even though you might think that these are circumstances that have been around for ages, that they're only sociological issues and have nothing to do with God, maybe you should think again...

The forces of darkness are always around, and are looking for every little opening where they can infiltrate some sensitive part of your life in order to steer you away from your communication-relationship with God...

And he will do so at every stage of your life journey because keeping you cut-off from God is a lifetime event...Satan needs to make sure that your willingness to re-establish a relationship with God will be a difficult one...

And he uses some weapons that are truly his master tools above all else...

It is virtually impossible to figure every angle from which you can be infected by Satan...

Yet simply knowing that his objective is to cut you off from God is a BIG step forward for you because you have re-focused yourself once more to his true intentions.

It establishes a foundation from which you can build a strong and uncompromising relationship with God.

(GM Evagrius)

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