Friday, October 26, 2012

In the last post, we talked about "taking out Satan..."

...that is, to neutralize his power over the world and ourselves...find a close spiritual balance with God where His blessings and favor become a reality in our modern day lives...

But how do you "take out" a spiritual being (and an evil one) that has existed before time began?

(Now that's a good question.)

Satan has been around for a long time...

No, you can't kill him...

Can't trick him either...he's 'been there, done that...'

He's way ahead of you...a thousand steps in front of you...

Meanwhile, you're way behind, taking one step at a time...

So you're out-maneuvred at a rate of one-thousand-to-one!

How can you possibly stop a being like Satan?

There are ways to stop him that you've never were aware of before...
(Check out: The Defeat Of Satan)

It doesn't even require superhuman understanding...

Plain understanding will be sufficient.

God's solutions were never meant to be complicated...yet Satan makes them look that way.

To repeat: plain ol' understanding will be sufficient.

It does however require an inner passion to get closer to God, a real deep longing to "hang-out" with the Lord.

And it takes equal passion to defeat Satan's plan against you and the rest of humanity...

But passion is not the only tool you need to defeat Satan in his own need your mind to be set to receive God's blessings...

In other words, your 'mindset' needs to be tuned-in to God, which means:
  1. You also need to become aware...and:
  2. Gaining knowledge is another...
So to start on the right footing, you need to be aware of Satan's overall objective:
  1. cut-off your contact with God
  2. cut-off your peaceful salvation-joy in Jesus
  3. cut-off your relationships
  4. cut-off your perception of God
  5. cut-off your true freedom which is Christ.
  6. cut-off blessings and favor promise to you by God...
Notice the common denominator here?

Satan wants you 'cut-off' from any connection to God.

No contact with God means no blessings...

It means no divine favor...

It also means that you'd be open to Satan's clandestine attacks in your life...

Do you know what it means to be cut-off?

Had you ever been cut-off from something you value as important?

Just think of your daily life, about something that you are cut-off from...

  • personal advancement?
  • credit card limits?
  • a relationship?
  • your friends?
  • personal goals?
  • a simple, uncomplicated life?
  • a lucky break?
  • fame and fortune?
  • a higher education?
  • finding a life-partner (husband, wife)?
  • a realtionship with God?
  • God's blessings and favor...
Getting cut-off from God and His blessings is one of the major "cut-offs" because if you are not spiritually tuned-in to God, then you are connected to something else...

And the "something else" cannot be all that good if God is not in the picture...

A Simple Truth Concerning Being Cut-Off from God

Have you ever wondered why the world is in such a state of disarray?

We are living in the greatest potential of human history:
  • human rights recognized
  • global communication
  • advanced science
  • education for all
  • famine reduced...etc
Meanwhile, several parts of the world are stuck in the past, with famines, wars, death, ideological
divides, hatred, genocides, inequality, intolerance...

(check out, The Defeat Of Satan)

Now don't go blaming others for your being cut-off from God's blessings and favor...

That's easy to do...

It is enough to know that Satan's objective is to cut you off from God, which means cutting you off His blessings...

Once you are cut-off from God, then Satan will proceed to plant the seeds of your destruction in your daily life.

We'll cover that on the next post...

(from GM Evagrius)

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